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Pastor Salvador's small wooden church sits right next to his
house. In the middle of the north wall
underneath the light switch there is a herd of five electrical outlets,
unmatched and randomly spaced, with the bottom one dangling two feet below the
rest. There are three more clustered on
another post in the back corner.
When the sun begins to set each evening Salvador cranks the
75 year-old diesel motor that powers his generator. That generator runs the pump that refills the
water tanks, lights the house, runs the TV.
It runs during church services, too, for the piano, sound system, lights,
ceiling fans, and lastly, to use those outlets to charge cell phones. It is another example of a shared resource
and community solidarity. No one else has even a generator. Cell coverage
is spotty, but everybody has a basic phone, and they are critical for the
campaign to regain property titles.
When I left off Garzal's story last year, they were on the
brink of an incredible success. Sixty-four
titles were delivered while Julie and I were on the plane to Paris to celebrate
our anniversary. As we also expected,
there were wrinkles. They were still
awaiting the remaining two hundred and some titles. The Barreto family continued to file counter
suits. And Salvador and his wife
received death threats so serious that they decided to leave Garzal in late
May. They just returned home again prior
to the new year.
The Garzal-Nueva Esperanza titling process is not only
continuing with renewed optimism, but other communities are asking for advice on
how do the same thing. I was present
this last week as Salvador shared the first of several training sessions with
the community of El Guayabo, across the Magdalena and downstream a few
miles. Guayabo farmers are experiencing
threats from another wealthy family very similar to the Garzal situation. Most have been working their land for twenty
to forty years, far more than needed to establish ownership of abandoned
The excitement, optimism, and sense of unity at that meeting
was palpable as Salvador laid out the legal framework for possession and the basic
rules of working together non-violently towards their goal. We were there along with another group from
Switzerland who share accompaniment responsibilities with CPT. The residents kept expressing their amazement
that people in the US, Canada, and Europe actually cared about what was
happening in their lives. It was a
powerful moment for me, as well.
Thank you friends and family for mentoring and encouraging
me to be here and for helping to pay my way.